Surface Formats

A surface format describes the encoding of color information into the actual data stored in memory. Surface formats in isl are specified via the isl_format enum. A complete list of surface formats is included at the end of this chapter.

In general, a surface format definition consists of two parts: encoding and layout.

Data Encoding

There are several different ways that one can encode a number (or vector) into a binary form, and each makes different trade-offs. By default, most color values lie in the range [0, 1], so one of the most common encodings for color data is unsigned normalized where the range of an unsigned integer of a particular size is mapped linearly onto the interval [0, 1]. While normalized is certainly the most common representation for color data, not all data is color data, and not all values are nicely bounded. The possible data encodings are specified by isl_base_type:

enum isl_base_type

Numerical base type for channels of isl_format.

enumerator ISL_VOID

Data which takes up space but is ignored

enumerator ISL_RAW

Data in a “raw” form and cannot be easily interpreted

enumerator ISL_UNORM

Unsigned normalized data

Though stored as an integer, the data is interpreted as a floating-point number in the range [0, 1] where the conversion from the in-memory representation to float is given by \(\frac{x}{2^{bits} - 1}\).

enumerator ISL_SNORM

Signed normalized data

Though stored as an integer, the data is interpreted as a floating-point number in the range [-1, 1] where the conversion from the in-memory representation to float is given by \(max\left(\frac{x}{2^{bits - 1} - 1}, -1\right)\).

enumerator ISL_UFLOAT

Unsigned floating-point data

Unlike the standard IEEE floating-point representation, unsigned floating-point data has no sign bit. This saves a bit of space which is important if more than one float is required to represent a color value. As with IEEE floats, the high bits are the exponent and the low bits are the mantissa. The available bit sizes for unsigned floats are as follows:










In particular, both unsigned floating-point formats are identical to IEEE float16 except that the sign bit and the bottom mantissa bits are removed.

enumerator ISL_SFLOAT

Signed floating-point data

Signed floating-point data is represented as standard IEEE floats with the usual number of mantissa and exponent bits













enumerator ISL_UFIXED

Unsigned fixed-point data

This is a 32-bit unsigned integer that is interpreted as a 16.16 fixed-point value.

enumerator ISL_SFIXED

Signed fixed-point data

This is a 32-bit signed integer that is interpreted as a 16.16 fixed-point value.

enumerator ISL_UINT

Unsigned integer data

enumerator ISL_SINT

Signed integer data

enumerator ISL_USCALED

Unsigned scaled data

This is data which is stored as an unsigned integer but interpreted as a floating-point value by the hardware. The re-interpretation is done via a simple unsigned integer to float cast. This is typically used as a vertex format.

enumerator ISL_SSCALED

Signed scaled data

This is data which is stored as a signed integer but interpreted as a floating-point value by the hardware. The re-interpretation is done via a simple signed integer to float cast. This is typically used as a vertex format.

Data Layout

The different data layouts fall into two categories: array and packed. When an array layout is used, the components are stored sequentially in an array of the given encoding. For instance, if the data is encoded in an 8-bit RGBA array format the data is stored in an array of type uint8_t where the blue component of the i’th color value is accessed as:

uint8_t r = ((uint8_t *)data)[i * 4 + 0];
uint8_t g = ((uint8_t *)data)[i * 4 + 1];
uint8_t b = ((uint8_t *)data)[i * 4 + 2];
uint8_t a = ((uint8_t *)data)[i * 4 + 3];

Array formats are popular because of their simplicity. However, they are limited to formats where all components have the same size and fit in a standard C data type.

Packed formats, on the other hand, are encoded with the entire color value packed into a single 8, 16, or 32-bit value. The components are specified by which bits they occupy within that value. For instance, with the popular RGB565 format, each vec3 takes up 16 bits and the i’th color value is accessed as:

uint8_t r = (*(uint16_t *)data >> 0) & 0x1f;
uint8_t g = (*(uint16_t *)data >> 5) & 0x3f;
uint8_t b = (*(uint16_t *)data >> 11) & 0x1f;

Packed formats are useful because they allow you to specify formats with uneven component sizes such as RGBA1010102 or where the components are smaller than 8 bits such as RGB565 discussed above. It does, however, come with the restriction that the entire vector must fit within 8, 16, or 32 bits.

One has to be careful when reasoning about packed formats because it is easy to get the color order wrong. With array formats, the channel ordering is usually implied directly from the format name with RGBA8888 storing the formats as in the first example and BGRA8888 storing them in the BGRA ordering. Packed formats, however, are not as simple because some specifications choose to use a MSB to LSB ordering and others LSB to MSB. One must be careful to pay attention to the enum in question in order to avoid getting them backwards.

From an API perspective, both types of formats are available. In Vulkan, the formats that are of the form VK_FORMAT_xxx_PACKEDn are packed formats where the entire color fits in n bits and formats without the _PACKEDn suffix are array formats. In GL, if you specify one of the base types such as GL_FLOAT you get an array format but if you specify a packed type such as GL_UNSIGNED_INT_8_8_8_8_REV you get a packed format.

The following table provides a summary of the bit orderings of different packed format specifications. The bit ordering is relative to the reading of the enum name from left to right.


Left → Right







Intel surface format


Understanding sRGB

The sRGB colorspace is one of the least tractable concepts in the entire world of surfaces and formats. Most texture formats are stored in a linear colorspace where the floating-point value corresponds linearly to intensity values. The sRGB color space, on the other hand, is non-linear and provides greater precision in the lower-intensity (darker) end of the spectrum. The relationship between linear and sRGB is governed by the following continuous bijection:

\[\begin{split}c_l = \begin{cases} \frac{c_s}{12.92} &\text{if } c_s \le 0.04045 \\\\ \left(\frac{c_s + 0.055}{1.055}\right)^{2.4} &\text{if } c_s > 0.04045 \end{cases}\end{split}\]

where \(c_l\) is the linear color and \(c_s\) is the color in sRGB. It is important to note that, when an alpha channel is present, the alpha channel is always stored in the linear colorspace.

The key to understanding sRGB is to think about it starting from the physical display. All displays work natively in sRGB. On older displays, there isn’t so much a conversion operation as a fact of how the hardware works. All display hardware has a natural gamma curve required to get from linear to the signal level required to generate the correct color. On older CRT displays, the gamma curve of your average CRT is approximately the sRGB curve. More modern display hardware has support for additional gamma curves to try and get accurate colors but, for the sake of compatibility, everything still operates in sRGB. When an image is sent to the X server, X passes the pixels on to the display verbatim without doing any conversions. (Fun fact: When dealing with translucent windows, X blends in the wrong colorspace.) This means that the image into which you are rendering will always be interpreted as if it were in the sRGB colorspace.

When sampling from a texture, the value returned to the shader is in the linear colorspace. The conversion from sRGB happens as part of sampling. In OpenGL, thanks mostly to history, there are various knobs for determining when you should or should not encode or decode sRGB. In 2007, GL_EXT_texture_sRGB added support for sRGB texture formats and was included in OpenGL 2.1. In 2010, GL_EXT_texture_sRGB_decode added a flag to allow you to disable texture decoding so that the shader received the data still in the sRGB colorspace. Then, in 2012, GL_ARB_texture_view came along and made GL_EXT_texture_sRGB_decode simultaneously obsolete and very confusing. Now, thanks to the combination of extensions, you can upload a texture as linear, create an sRGB view of it and ask that sRGB not be decoded. What format is it in again?

The situation with render targets is a bit different. Historically, you got your render target from the window system (which is always sRGB) and the spec said nothing whatsoever about encoding. All render targets were sRGB because that’s how monitors worked and application writers were expected to understand that their final rendering needed to be in sRGB. However, with the advent of GL_EXT_framebuffer_object this was no longer true. Also, sRGB was causing problems with blending because GL was blind to the fact that the output was sRGB and blending was occurring in the wrong colorspace. In 2006, a set of GL_EXT_framebuffer_sRGB extensions added support (on both the GL and window-system sides) for detecting whether a particular framebuffer was in sRGB and instructing GL to do the conversion into the sRGB colorspace as the final step prior to writing out to the render target. Enabling sRGB also implied that blending would occur in the linear colorspace prior to sRGB conversion and would therefore be more accurate. When sRGB was added to the OpenGL ES spec in 3.1, they added the query for sRGB but did not add the flag to allow you to turn it on and off.

In Vulkan, this is all much more straightforward. Your format is sRGB or it isn’t. If you have an sRGB image and you don’t want sRGB decoding to happen when you sample from it, you simply create a VkImageView that has the appropriate linear format and the data will be treated as linear and not converted. Similarly for render targets, blending always happens in the same colorspace as the shader output and you determine whether or not you want sRGB conversion by the format of the VkImageView used as the render target.

Surface Format Introspection API

ISL provides an API for introspecting the isl_format enum and getting various bits of information about a format. ISL provides helpers for introspecting both the data layout of an isl_format and the capabilities of that format for a particular piece of Intel hardware.

Format Layout Introspection

To get the layout of a given isl_format, call isl_format_get_layout():

static inline const struct isl_format_layout *isl_format_get_layout(enum isl_format fmt)

The isl_format_layout for the given isl_format

struct isl_format_layout

Describes the layout of an isl_format

Each format has 3D block extent (width, height, depth). The block extent of compressed formats is that of the format’s compression block. For example, the block extent of ISL_FORMAT_ETC2_RGB8 is (w=4, h=4, d=1). The block extent of uncompressed pixel formats, such as ISL_FORMAT_R8G8B8A8_UNORM, is (w=1, h=1, d=1).

enum isl_format format


uint16_t bpb

Bits per block

uint8_t bw

Block width, in pixels

uint8_t bh

Block height, in pixels

uint8_t bd

Block depth, in pixels

union [anonymous]
struct [anonymous]
struct isl_channel_layout r

Red channel

struct isl_channel_layout g

Green channel

struct isl_channel_layout b

Blue channel

struct isl_channel_layout a

Alpha channel

struct isl_channel_layout l

Luminance channel

struct isl_channel_layout i

Intensity channel

struct isl_channel_layout p

Palette channel

enum isl_base_type uniform_channel_type

Set if all channels have the same isl_base_type. Otherwise, ISL_VOID.

struct isl_channel_layout

Describes a single channel of an isl_format

enum isl_base_type type

Channel data encoding

uint8_t start_bit

Bit at which this channel starts

uint8_t bits

Size in bits

There are also quite a few helpers for many of the common cases that allow you to avoid using isl_format_layout manually. There are a lot of them so we won’t include a full list here. Look at isl.h for more details.

Hardware Format Support Introspection

This is provided by means of a table located in isl_format.c. Looking at the table directly is often useful for understanding HW support for various formats. However, for the purposes of code cleanliness, the table is not exposed directly and, instead, hardware support information is exposed via a set of helper functions:

bool isl_format_supports_rendering(const struct intel_device_info *devinfo, enum isl_format format)
bool isl_format_supports_alpha_blending(const struct intel_device_info *devinfo, enum isl_format format)
bool isl_format_supports_sampling(const struct intel_device_info *devinfo, enum isl_format format)
bool isl_format_supports_filtering(const struct intel_device_info *devinfo, enum isl_format format)
bool isl_format_supports_vertex_fetch(const struct intel_device_info *devinfo, enum isl_format format)
bool isl_format_supports_typed_writes(const struct intel_device_info *devinfo, enum isl_format format)

Returns true if the given format can support typed writes.

bool isl_format_supports_typed_reads(const struct intel_device_info *devinfo, enum isl_format format)

Returns true if the given format can support typed reads with format conversion fully handled by hardware. On Sky Lake, all formats which are supported for typed writes also support typed reads but some of them return the raw image data and don’t provide format conversion.

For anyone looking to find this data in the PRM, the easiest way to find format tables is to search for R11G11B10. There are only a few occurrences.

bool isl_format_supports_ccs_d(const struct intel_device_info *devinfo, enum isl_format format)

Returns true if the given format can support single-sample fast clears. This function only checks the format. In order to determine if a surface supports CCS_E, several other factors need to be considered such as tiling and sample count. See isl_surf_get_ccs_surf for details.

bool isl_format_supports_ccs_e(const struct intel_device_info *devinfo, enum isl_format format)

Returns true if the given format can support single-sample color compression. This function only checks the format. In order to determine if a surface supports CCS_E, several other factors need to be considered such as tiling and sample count. See isl_surf_get_ccs_surf for details.

bool isl_format_supports_multisampling(const struct intel_device_info *devinfo, enum isl_format format)
bool isl_formats_are_ccs_e_compatible(const struct intel_device_info *devinfo, enum isl_format format1, enum isl_format format2)

Returns true if the two formats are “CCS_E compatible” meaning that you can render in one format with CCS_E enabled and then texture using the other format without needing a resolve.

Note: Even if the formats are compatible, special care must be taken if a clear color is involved because the encoding of the clear color is heavily format-dependent.

Surface Format Enums

Everything in ISL is done in terms of the isl_format enum. However, for the sake of interacting with other parts of Mesa, we provide a helper for converting a pipe_format to an isl_format:

enum isl_format isl_format_for_pipe_format(enum pipe_format pf)

The isl_format enum is as follows:

enum isl_format

Hardware enumeration SURFACE_FORMAT.

For the official list, see Broadwell PRM: Volume 2b: Command Reference: Enumerations: SURFACE_FORMAT.